Physical Therapy
Here is Josh with his new braces. Right now he is walking in the "locked-knee" mode. The next video shows him with one knee unlocked.
This is a taste of what is to come. It's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication, but Josh is ready for it.
About Me

- Sue Holt
- We have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. Eric and I were married in 1982 and are still together today. We met in church and raised our kids in that same church, We are still very involved at this same church. God has been there for us through many ups and downs in our family life. We have struggled with children with ADD, hyperactivity, strong wills, addictions, and one that became paralyzed at the age of 15 due to a car-pedestrian accident...he was the pedestrian. Eric and I have had to work through relationship issues (as do most couples), job loss, and financial problems. Even though we are believers, that doesn't mean we will never have problems. We just know that God is there for us through these struggles. There has been a lot of growth through these times.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Physical Therapy
Here is what we've been waiting for. Here is Josh in his NEW leg braces. It will take some time to get used to the knees bending and not supporting his weight. Right now they have one leg straight and one that bends. He is a little frustrated right now since it demands more concentration to position the leg and foot properly to get the knee mechanism to do its job. He'll get it with a little time.
Once he gets this down, he will be able to spend more time up out of his chair so he doesn't have to deal with skin break-down. Not a pretty sight!
Here is what we've been waiting for. Here is Josh in his NEW leg braces. It will take some time to get used to the knees bending and not supporting his weight. Right now they have one leg straight and one that bends. He is a little frustrated right now since it demands more concentration to position the leg and foot properly to get the knee mechanism to do its job. He'll get it with a little time.
Once he gets this down, he will be able to spend more time up out of his chair so he doesn't have to deal with skin break-down. Not a pretty sight!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Physical Therapy
This contraption takes a person from a sitting position to a standing position and then allows them to move their legs. This was the first time that Josh tried it. He will most likely be using many more times.
Sorry about the crick in your neck. I will make sure my camera is positioned correctly so you don't end up having to see a chiropractor!
This contraption takes a person from a sitting position to a standing position and then allows them to move their legs. This was the first time that Josh tried it. He will most likely be using many more times.
Sorry about the crick in your neck. I will make sure my camera is positioned correctly so you don't end up having to see a chiropractor!
Video of Therapy...
At Last
I did my research and found a way to put video of Josh's therapy on this site. Yippy!!! Now you can see him in action!
Josh has been working very hard and is progressing very well. Josh has kept up his weight training after his accident and that has been a great asset. He is able to do more than the others that don't have his upper-body strength.
Today he got to use his new leg-braces. They bend at the knee automatically just when they should bend during normal walking. Josh was so proud of the fact they he was able to use the braces in this automatic setting on the first day after getting the braces. I guess the others have all had to use the "straight-legged" position for about a month before using them in the bending mode. He walked at least half way around the track with those braces, which is around 280 feet. What an exciting day.
I plan on watching Josh on Friday and if I don't forget to take the camera, I will get some video of Josh in his new braces. I can't wait!
At Last
I did my research and found a way to put video of Josh's therapy on this site. Yippy!!! Now you can see him in action!
Josh has been working very hard and is progressing very well. Josh has kept up his weight training after his accident and that has been a great asset. He is able to do more than the others that don't have his upper-body strength.
Today he got to use his new leg-braces. They bend at the knee automatically just when they should bend during normal walking. Josh was so proud of the fact they he was able to use the braces in this automatic setting on the first day after getting the braces. I guess the others have all had to use the "straight-legged" position for about a month before using them in the bending mode. He walked at least half way around the track with those braces, which is around 280 feet. What an exciting day.
I plan on watching Josh on Friday and if I don't forget to take the camera, I will get some video of Josh in his new braces. I can't wait!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006

Josh is doing a great job at crawling. At first he could only crawl backwards. Then he started crawling backwards faster. Now he is crawling forward. For some reason they all can crawl backwards before forwards. Go figure!
They do their crawling on a ramp, so they are either crawling up the incline or down it. Josh wears a brace around his middle (to support his trunk), knee pads, and fleece shoe coverings to make his shoes slide easier. The fleeces have U of M logos on them. I asked the therapist what if a patient was a die-hard State fan; they may not want to wear the rival booties? I guess the therapist is a State fan, but the patients just have to wear what is there. The bootie maker must be a U of M fan. Josh likes U of M, so there is no problem here.

Josh also works out on the machines in the sports complex. He lifts weights and works on his abs every week. On Wednesdays he is in the pool. This past Wed. I came early and saw him in the pool. He was hanging onto a flotation device and was moving his legs back and forth. It is so much easier to move in the water. He then swam around the pool. The first time a therapist took him into the pool (last year), I was very nervous. She let go of Josh and let him figure things out for himself. She even kept her distance so Josh could work things out himself. Being a good loving mom that I am, I would have held onto him so that he wouldn't drown. But he didn't. I guess the therapist knew what she was doing.

That one's done!
Our digital camera takes short video clips and if I can figure out how to upload those to this site, then you can see Josh is ACTION!
Until then, tootles.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
It's a Chrysler 300M Special!!!
Josh has admired this car for about 3-4 years now. It was owned by some friends at our church and Josh and the owner would joke around how it would be Josh's some day. Well, about a week ago, it became reality.
Josh has decked it out with a new cool (fluorescent blue lights) stereo system and a huge speaker in the trunk. Oh yeah! You can hear the beat in the house even with the windows shut! Oh, the things that make teenagers happy! Now we have to get hand-controls put in and get the driver's license and he is good to go.
We will have to get a picture for you real soon. It's a real nice looking car.
It's a Chrysler 300M Special!!!
Josh has admired this car for about 3-4 years now. It was owned by some friends at our church and Josh and the owner would joke around how it would be Josh's some day. Well, about a week ago, it became reality.
Josh has decked it out with a new cool (fluorescent blue lights) stereo system and a huge speaker in the trunk. Oh yeah! You can hear the beat in the house even with the windows shut! Oh, the things that make teenagers happy! Now we have to get hand-controls put in and get the driver's license and he is good to go.
We will have to get a picture for you real soon. It's a real nice looking car.
On Friday, June 2nd, Josh had molds made of his legs in order to have the special braces made. He should be getting them very soon. These braces will help him to practice walking in a more normal way. They have special mechanisms at the knee so that they unlock when the knee normally would bend when walking. Since therapy started in February, he has been using straight-legged braces that stay locked at the knee.
During therapy Josh works on crawling, walking with the assistance of leg braces and a walker, weight-training, balance exercises on a mat or ball, therapy in the pool, and therapy with various other machines that work his leg muscles in hopes new nerve pathways will develop where the old ones were damaged.
Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. Life happens!
On Friday, June 2nd, Josh had molds made of his legs in order to have the special braces made. He should be getting them very soon. These braces will help him to practice walking in a more normal way. They have special mechanisms at the knee so that they unlock when the knee normally would bend when walking. Since therapy started in February, he has been using straight-legged braces that stay locked at the knee.
During therapy Josh works on crawling, walking with the assistance of leg braces and a walker, weight-training, balance exercises on a mat or ball, therapy in the pool, and therapy with various other machines that work his leg muscles in hopes new nerve pathways will develop where the old ones were damaged.
Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. Life happens!
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