Josh is doing a great job at crawling. At first he could only crawl backwards. Then he started crawling backwards faster. Now he is crawling forward. For some reason they all can crawl backwards before forwards. Go figure!
They do their crawling on a ramp, so they are either crawling up the incline or down it. Josh wears a brace around his middle (to support his trunk), knee pads, and fleece shoe coverings to make his shoes slide easier. The fleeces have U of M logos on them. I asked the therapist what if a patient was a die-hard State fan; they may not want to wear the rival booties? I guess the therapist is a State fan, but the patients just have to wear what is there. The bootie maker must be a U of M fan. Josh likes U of M, so there is no problem here.

Josh also works out on the machines in the sports complex. He lifts weights and works on his abs every week. On Wednesdays he is in the pool. This past Wed. I came early and saw him in the pool. He was hanging onto a flotation device and was moving his legs back and forth. It is so much easier to move in the water. He then swam around the pool. The first time a therapist took him into the pool (last year), I was very nervous. She let go of Josh and let him figure things out for himself. She even kept her distance so Josh could work things out himself. Being a good loving mom that I am, I would have held onto him so that he wouldn't drown. But he didn't. I guess the therapist knew what she was doing.

That one's done!
Our digital camera takes short video clips and if I can figure out how to upload those to this site, then you can see Josh is ACTION!
Until then, tootles.
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