Enjoying life before the accident. Josh was about 14-15 years old. He and his friends made their own bike jumps.

About Me

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We have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. Eric and I were married in 1982 and are still together today. We met in church and raised our kids in that same church, We are still very involved at this same church. God has been there for us through many ups and downs in our family life. We have struggled with children with ADD, hyperactivity, strong wills, addictions, and one that became paralyzed at the age of 15 due to a car-pedestrian accident...he was the pedestrian. Eric and I have had to work through relationship issues (as do most couples), job loss, and financial problems. Even though we are believers, that doesn't mean we will never have problems. We just know that God is there for us through these struggles. There has been a lot of growth through these times.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On Friday, June 2nd, Josh had molds made of his legs in order to have the special braces made. He should be getting them very soon. These braces will help him to practice walking in a more normal way. They have special mechanisms at the knee so that they unlock when the knee normally would bend when walking. Since therapy started in February, he has been using straight-legged braces that stay locked at the knee.

During therapy Josh works on crawling, walking with the assistance of leg braces and a walker, weight-training, balance exercises on a mat or ball, therapy in the pool, and therapy with various other machines that work his leg muscles in hopes new nerve pathways will develop where the old ones were damaged.

Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. Life happens!


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