Enjoying life before the accident. Josh was about 14-15 years old. He and his friends made their own bike jumps.

About Me

My photo
We have 5 children and 5 grandchildren with one on the way. Eric and I were married in 1984 and are still together today. We met in church and raised our kids in that same church, We are still very involved at this same church. God has been there for us through many ups and downs in our family life. We have struggled with children with ADD, hyperactivity, strong wills, addictions, and one that became paralyzed at the age of 15 due to a car-pedestrian accident...he was the pedestrian. Eric and I have had to work through relationship issues (as do most couples), job loss, and financial problems. Even though we are believers, that doesn't mean we will never have problems. We just know that God is there for us through these struggles. There has been a lot of growth through these times.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

RIM Evaluation
Josh's evaluation will take place at the Rehab Institute of MI in Detroit on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005. He will go through the evaluation to see if he is eligible, which he most likely is, and then they will devise a plan of therapy for him. Once that is done our physiatrist will look over the plan and give her approval (or disapproval) on all or some of it. Then once therapy starts, it will take place in Rockford. It most likely won't start until after the first of the year. We'll keep you posted!


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